Greeting Letter From President Frank Lala for GAD 2015 Conference

Georgia Association of the Deaf, Inc.

Dr. Frank Lala, GAD President
P.O. Box 75
Cave Spring, GA 30124


It is my honor, on behalf of the Georgia Association of the Deaf (GAD), to extend our warm and enthusiastic welcome to all in attendance at GAD 2015 Conference in Jekyll Island, GA, with my presidential theme: A Credo for Deaf Georgians. We will prevail, thrive, and survive through empowerment.

The purpose of the GAD Conference has always been to provide a forum where information connected to the lives of Deaf and Hard of Hearing people can be shared.

GAD conference includes scientific research, and philosophical discussions, about issues linked to our civil and cultural, linguistic rights and our lives. Views about living as a Deaf individual can also be expressed through our visual and gestural language, American Sign Language (ASL).

Partners and stakeholder such as Deaf people, GAD Chapters members, GaRID members, hard of hearing consumers, and hearing allies are working toward the same goal, We will be exchanging valuable information as we promote the rights of deaf people, We advocate for the elimination of the prevalent public mentality of audism, linguicism, apathy, prejudice, oppression, paternalistic attitudes, and discriminative politics in Georgia.

In today?s constantly changing conditions, we need constants like core values, empowerment, visions, and strategies. We need to be creative and have open interaction. These sustainable values are to be found in ourselves, in our language, identity, and in our culture. We have to lead this progress from our needs and from the principles of equality in accessibility. With new knowledge, partnerships, networks and ways to use information, we can start building a better tomorrow.

We should participate in the GAD Conference with open eyes, an open mind and an open heart. To quote a statement from my book, ?We are NOT in the hands of an inevitable fate or destiny ? Fate and destiny IS IN OUR HANDS to shape, mold and frame by the foresight and vision we dare to see for ourselves?.

It is the heritage of our Deaf Culture to stand erect, proud, and unafraid; to think and act for ourselves; to enjoy the benefits of our creations, and to face the hearing world boldly and say. ?This we have achieved.? This is the Selma of the Deaf!

GADly Yours,

Dr. Frank Lala, GAD President


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